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Latest Oracle 1Z0-920 Exam Practice Questions and Answers
Which two statements are true about MySQL Enterprise Firewall?
A. On Windows systems, MySQL Enterprise Firewall is controlled and managed by using the Windows Internet
Connection Firewall control panel.
B. The firewall functionality is dependent upon SHA-256 and ANSI-specific functions built into the MySQL.firewall table.
These functions cannot be deleted, even by the root user.
C. MySQL Enterprise Firewall is available only in MySQL Enterprise versions 5.7.10.and later.
D. Server-side plug-ins named MYSQL_FIREWALL_USERS and MYSQL_FIREWALL-WHITELIST implement
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that provide views into the firewall data cache.
E. System tables named firewall_users and firewall_whitelist in the MySQL database provide persistent storage of firewall
F. MySQL Enterprise Firewall shows only notifications blocked connections, which originated outside of your network\\’s
primary domain.
Correct Answer: DE
Which three installation options are available for installing the MySQL Enterprise Monitor/Agent on Linux?
A. A GUI for installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor, Agent, and a MySQL Repository database
B. A CLI-based wizard MySQL Enterprise Monitor, Agent, and a MySQL Repository database
C. A script (with an option file) for installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor, Agent, and a MySQL Repository database
D. A MySQL Enterprise Monitor to remotely deploy the MySQL Monitor Agent
E. A browser-based wizard to remotely deploy the MySQL Monitor Agent
Correct Answer: ABC
Which two methods help prevent MySQL security risks?
A. Use a firewall to control access to MySQL ports.
B. Transmit plain (unencrypted) data over networks.
C. Ensure that MySQL accounts have short and easy passwords.
D. Allow unauthorized clients to connect to the server.
E. Use the secure installation script “mysql_alays_secure_installation”.
F. Grant only permissions that a user requires.
Correct Answer: BD
Which two statements are true about the creation or use of a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)?
A. You can connect directly to the VCN without a defined subnet.
B. Your instance does not have a public IP address, so you cannot connect with a public subnet.
C. You must have an Internet gateway to connect to a public address on an Oracle Linux instance.
D. You can connect directly to an instance over the internet, without a public IP address.
E. You must have an IPSec VPN to connect to an Oracle Linux instance.
Correct Answer: AD
You have a MySQL Server instance (running with Port# 3306) monitored by the Service Manager in MySQL Enterprise
Monitor. You cloned the MySQL Database instance and configured it to be a replicated MySQL instance as Slave using
Port# 3316 on the same machine as the Master Server. The replication configuration is working correctly. The Master
and Slave Servers are running. You are trying to add the newly created MySQL Slave instance to the Monitor. The
Service Manager in MySQL Enterprise Monitor notifies you that the new instance is successfully added; however, it is
not added correctly at the newly added configuration points to the old Master monitored items. The Monitor shows only
one monitored MySQL instance for Master and Slave. Which two are possible reasons for this problem?
A. The SLAVE and MASTER instances are started with the same configured value for the option – –
B. The MASTER and SLAVE are grouped as one instance for monitoring.
C. The MySQL.inventory table on SLAVE is cloned with the same content as MASTER, which has the same server
D. The MySQL.instance table on SLAVE is cloned with the same content as MASTER, which has the same server UUID.
E. All the MySQL instances (Master and Slave) have the same server_uuid in /auto.cnf.
Correct Answer: BD
The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent requires a user configured in each MySQL instance that is being monitored with
suitable privileges to collect information about the server. Which statement is correct?
A. The super privilege is required when starting, stopping, or restarting monitored MySQL databases.
B. MySQL Enterprise Monitor creates the required users automatically.
C. The super privilege is required when creating and populating the inventory table, as well as running statements such
as show master logs or SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.
D. Monitoring metrics need super and root privileges because they are not available for a less- privileged user.
Correct Answer: C
You have been using mysqldump for logical backups of your MySQL databases. Your MySQL database size has been
growing. Which two options can reduce the backup size and speed up the backup time?
A. Use mysqldump with – -incremental together with the – -compress option to back up incrementally based on previous
full backup and compress the incremental backup files.
B. Use mysqldump with the – -changesonly option.
C. Use MySQL Enterprise Backup with the – -size=compress to compress the backup file.
D. Use MySQL Enterprise Backup with the – – incremental policy to back up incrementally based on previous full
E. Use MySQL Enterprise Backup with the – -compress option to compress the backup files and use – – compress-level
to select the level of compression.
Correct Answer: BE
Which three are characteristics of the JSON data type?
A. A set of SQL functions substantially support the SQL utilization of the data type.
B. It supports indexing directly against the JSON-defined column.
C. It validates the JSON syntax on insert or merges.
D. Comparisons of JSON values are not case-sensitive.
E. Key or array references enable quick read-access to look up document elements directly.
F. It is based on the TEXT data type.
Correct Answer: BCE
You want to create an encrypted table. So, you enter this command:
CREATE TABLE \\’test_encryption2% (
\\’id\\’ int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
\\’server_name\\’ varchar(15) NOT NULL,
You receive the following error:
ERROR 1031 (HY000): Table storage engine for `test_encryption2\\’ doesn\\’t have this option Which statement
correctly explains the reason for this error?
A. You cannot use the AUTO_INCREMENT option to create an encrypted table. This is what is causing the error.
B. The term “server_name” is a reserved MySQL term. You cannot use it for the new table. This is what is causing the
C. The encryption feature only works with InnoDB tables. You are creating a MyISAM table, and it is causing the error.
D. The test_encryption2 already exists. You are not using the correct option to recreate it and it is causing the error.
Correct Answer: C
You want to change the default behavior of MySQL Enterprise Monitor (MEM). New instances detected by a MEM agent
should automatically monitor discovered instances. How can you change the Advisor Setting?
A. Go to the configuration section (Users) and create a new user according to the existing users of your new MySQL
B. Go to the configuration section (Advisors) and edit the default settings of the MySQL Process Discovery according to
the existing users of your new MySQL instances.
C. Go to the configuration section (Advisors) and create a new advisor rule for new MySQL instances based on the
MySQL Advisor Wizard.
D. Go to the configuration section (MEM) and configure the default login credentials.
Correct Answer: B
Which three are requirements for MySQL Group Replication (GR)?
A. Data to be replicated must be stored in the InnoDB transactional storage engine.
B. The use of global transaction identifiers is required.
C. Primary keys are required on every replicated table.
D. GR only works with MySQL versions 8.0.12 or higher.
E. The binary log format must be set to mix.
F. The minimum number of required nodes for achieving a consensus is two.
Correct Answer: ACE
How would you restrict a user Joe from accessing all MySQL database objects?
A. CREATE USER \\’joe\\’@\\’\\’ SET Password=PASSWORD(\\’% ! %\\’)
C. UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD(\\’Invalid\\’) WHERE User=\\’joe\\’;
D. Insert Joe\\’s name into the mysql.user_restriction cable, and issue the FLUSH PRIVILEGES command.
Correct Answer: D
Which is a correct example of creating an Enterprise Encryption function?
A. SET @function = CREATE_ASYMMETRIC_PRIV_KEY(@algo, @key_len);
D. VALIDATE FUNCTION create_asymmetric_priv_key WITH \\’\\’;
Correct Answer: B
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