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Free test Oracle PL/SQL Developer 1z0-144 Exam questions and Answers

View Exhibit1 and examine the structure of the employees table.leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q1View Exhibit2 and examine the code. leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q1What is the outcome when the code is executed?
A. Both blocks compile and execute successfully when called.
B. Both blocks compile successfully but the CALC_SAL procedure gives an error on execution.
C. The CALC_SAL procedure gives an error on compilation because the amt variable should be declared in the
RAISE_SALARY procedure.
D. The CALC_SAL procedure gives an error on compilation because the RAISE_SALARY procedure cannot call the
stand-alone increase function.
Correct Answer: A

Which two statements are true about statement-level and row-level triggers? (Choose two.)
A. A row trigger fires once even if no rows are affected.
B. A statement trigger fires once even if no rows are affected.
C. Row triggers are useful if the trigger action depends on the data of rows that are affected or on data that is provided
by the triggering event itself.
D. Statement triggers are useful if the trigger action depends on the data of rows that are affected or on data that is
provided by the triggering event itself.
Correct Answer: BC

View the Exhibit to examine the PL/SQL code.leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q3Which statement is true about the exception handlers in the PL/SQL code?
A. All the exceptions in the code are trapped by the exception handler.
B. All the “no data found” errors in the code are trapped by the exception handler.
C. The PL/SQL program does not execute because an exception is not declared in the declare section.
D. An exception handler in the code traps the “no data found” error after executing the handler code and the program
flow returns to the next line of code.
Correct Answer: B

Which statements are true about database triggers? (Choose all that apply.)
A. They can invoke only PL/SQL procedures.
B. They can include SQL and PL/SQL or calls to Java procedures.
C. They are implicitly fired by an event that must occur within an application.
D. They are implicitly fired when a triggering event occurs, depending on which user is connected.
Correct Answer: BD

The STRING_TAB table has the following structure:leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q5

View the Exhibit and examine the code leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q5-1What is the outcome on execution?
A. It displays Output buffer not long enough. This is my test string.-.
B. It displays only Output buffer not long enough, and exits the anonymous block.
C. It displays only This is my test string. – Because EXCEPTION should have been defined in the anonymous block to
get the error message.
D. It does not display any of the DBMS_OUTPUT messages and gives an error because a transaction control statement
cannot be used in the exception section of a procedure.
Correct Answer: C

User SCOTT has been granted CREATE ANY TRIGGER AND ALTER ANY TABLE by the DBA. HR is an existing
schema in the database.
SCOTT creates the following trigger: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER drop_trigger BEFORE DROP ON hr.SCHEMA
BEGIN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, `Cannot drop object\\’); END:
SCOTT does not grant the execute privilege on this trigger to any other users. For which user(s) would this trigger fire
by default when they drop an object in the hr schema?
A. Only HR
Correct Answer: A

Examine the following code:leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q7The above code generates an error on execution.
What must you do to ensure that the code executes successfully?
A. Use the TO_DATE function in line 2.
B. Use the TO_DATE function in line 7.
C. Use the TO_NUMBER function in line 6.
D. Use both the TO_DATE function in line 2 and the TO_NUMBER function in line 6.
Correct Answer: A

Which tasks must be performed during the installation of the UTL_MAIL package? (Choose all that apply.)
A. setting the UTL_FILE_DIR initialization parameter
B. running the UTLMAIL.SQL and prvtmail.plb scripts
C. setting the SMTP_OUT_SERVER initialization parameter
D. using the CREATE DIRECTORY statement to associate an alias with an operating system directory
E. granting read and WRITE privileges to control the type of access to files in the operating system
Correct Answer: BC

Which two statements are true about the continue statement? (Choose two.)
A. The PL/SQL block execution terminates immediately.
B. The CONTINUE statement cannot appear outside a loop.
C. The loop completes immediately and control passes to the statement after end loop.
D. The statements after the continue statement in the iteration are executed before terminating the LOOP.
E. The current iteration of the loop completes immediately and control passes to the next iteration of the loop.
Correct Answer: BE

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the customer table.leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q10You create the following trigger to ensure that customers belonging to category “A” or “B” in the customer table can
have a credit limit of more than 8000. leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q10-1What is the outcome?
A. The trigger is fired, a message is displayed, and the update is successful
B. The trigger is fired and a message is displayed, but the update is rolled back.
C. The trigger is not fired because the when clause should be used to specify the condition, however, the update is
D. The trigger is not fired because column names must be specified with the update event to identify which columns
must be changed to cause the trigger to fire, however, the update is successful.
Correct Answer: D

What is the correct definition of the persistent state of a packaged variable?
A. It is a private variable defined in a procedure or function within a package body whose value is consistent within a
user session.
B. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is consistent within a user session.
C. It is a private variable in a package body whose value is consistent across all current active sessions.
D. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is always consistent across all current active sessions.
Correct Answer: B

Examine the following PL/SQL code:leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q12Which statement is true about the execution of the PL/SQL code?
A. It executes successfully.
B. It generates a run-time exception.
C. It does not execute because of syntax error
D. It executes successfully and generates a warning.
Correct Answer: B

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the employees table.leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q13

Execute the following block of code: leads4pass 1z0-144 exam question q13-1What is the outcome?
A. It gives an error because group functions cannot be used in anonymous blocks
B. It executes successfully and correctly gives the result of the sum of salaries in department 60.
C. It executes successfully and incorrectly gives the result of the sum of salaries in department 60.
D. It gives an error because the variable name and column name are the same in the where clause of the select
Correct Answer: C

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