The latest Oracle 1Z0-997 dumps by exam2pass helps you pass the 1Z0-997 exam for the first time! exam2pass Latest Update Oracle 1Z0-997 VCE Dump and 1Z0-997 PDF Dumps, exam2pass 1Z0-997 Exam Questions Updated, Answers corrected! Get the latest exam2pass 1Z0-997 dumps with Vce and PDF: (Q&As: 76 dumps)
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Latest Oracle 1Z0-997 Exam Practice Questions and Answers
You are working with a social media company as a solution architect. The media company wants to collect and analyze
large amounts of data being generated from their websites and social media feeds to gain insights and continuously
improve the user experience. In order to meet this requirement, you have developed a microservices application hosted
on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes. The application will process the data and store the result to an
Data Warehouse (ADW) instance.